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Physical Therapist

The fact that someone requires manipulation in the first place indicates an inflamed malfunctioning joint or group of joints with associated reflex protective muscle spasm surrounding the jammed joint/joints.


Therefore these malfunctioning joints may be uncomfortable to hold in the position adopted in order to correctly manipulate. Manipulation by a trained and qualified Chiropractor or Osteopath would best be described as uncomfortable for the above reasons but should not hurt.


Malfunctioning inflamed joints that have become restricted in their range of movement or in the worst cases totally jammed are going to be tender to touch, partly due to inflammation and partly due to protective muscle spasm activating sensory receptors in the surrounding malfunctioning area.


Preliminary massage and muscle, fascia and joint release techniques will make the restricted area less uncomfortable in the position adopted to manipulate. The actual manipulation by a skilled practitioner will be in the direction out of pain and therefore should not hurt but may be a slight shock to your system.


A skilled practitioner will reassure the patient to ensure that their patient has complete trust and is relaxed and not fighting the adjustment. Practitioners are trained not proceed unless you are completely comfortable to do so.

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