James Pallett 0414 460 987
NOW OPEN - Monday - Friday and SATURDAYS
Monday - Friday 8:30am - 6:30pm (Saturday's 8am -2pm)
Holistic Health Centre 67a High Street, Hunters Hill NSW 2110
Welcome to the Holistic Health Centre
Holistic, derived from holism, means the treatment of the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
The mind, body, spirit or soul connection is inate and when in balance, self-sustaining. When balance is disrupted suddenly by trauma or grief, or more gradually by wrong life choices in diet, exercise and lifestyle, then disease can follow. Addressing all parts of our being as a whole: mind, body and spirit brings about balance, so that our bodies can heal themselves. In all aspects of life balance is the key.
“Medicine is not only a science; it is also an art. It deals with the very processes of life and nature which must be understood before they may guide others” Philipus Aureolus Paracelsus (1493-1541).
Balance in nature was described by Fibonacci in his 1202 book Liber Abaci in the form of a mathematical sequence (Fibonacci Sequence) that explains the symmetry in nature; the branching in trees, and pine cones, leaves on a stem, petals in a flower, even uncurling of a fern, to explain this enigmatic phenomenon.
James Pallett formally of City Clinic on Crown, City Clinic on York and City Clinic on King and initially offered a role in City Clinic on Jamison, now has his own city clinic right in the heart of the CBD, Holistic Health Centre, as well as the original Holistic Health Centre established in 1981 in Hunters Hill.
Treatment philosophy is based on holism, balance and mobility. The holistic philosophy involves balance of the pelvis, spine and associated muscles, tendons and ligaments to restore mobility, balanced visceral, hormonal and digestive activity to balance your internal biochemistry, balanced lifestyle (especially reducing stress) and defining your purpose, to nourish your emotional being; your spirit or soul.
By helping people understand how their life choices affect their health can doctors, whether allopathic or naturopathic, educate their patients about the holistic nature of healing, and encourage them to take responsibility for their own health and well-being. Only in the role of teacher (the literal meaning of “doctor”) can physicians practice preventative medicine.
Therefore by attending to all the parts of human health; the mind, the body and the emotions or soul can optimal health and well-being be achieved. The World Health Organisation defines health as the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Plato (429-347 BC), one of the great philosophers and healers of all time, stated: “The cure of the part should not be attempted without treatment of the whole, and also no attempt should be made to cure the body without the soul, and therefore if the head and the body are to be well you must begin by airing the mind; that is the first thing.
For this is the error of our day in the treatment of the human body, the physicians separate the soul from the body”. (Plato Chronicles 156e). This is truly holistic and as applicable today as it was two thousand years ago. Plato also stated: “Attention to health is life’s greatest hinderance”, but as well: “I exhort you also to take part in that great combat which is the combat of life, and greater than any other earthly combat”.
Broad Experience –more than 30 years
Dual Qualified- registered chiropractor & osteopath
Holistic comprehensive preventative approach
Spinal Analysis, Pelvic Imbalance, back and neck pain
Headaches, migraines & TMJ problems
Weight Management & Naturopathic Advice
Sports Injuries & overtrain injuries
Workcover Approved workplace & RSI injuries
Workplace Postural Analysis Specialist
On-the-spot health fund claims
EFTPOS & all major credit cards accepted